Jan Aadhaar Yojana was announced in modified budget 2019-20 by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan for the effective implementation of the ideology of 'one number, one card, one identity' with the aim of making the benefits of various schemes easy, accessible and transparent for the residents of the state Rajasthan. Along with this, an independent authority was announced to be constituted for the implementation of this scheme and the e-Mitra project would also be brought under this authority.
In order of the above budget announcement, the “Rajasthan Jan Aadhar Yojana, 2019” has been inaugurated by the Honorable Chief Minister on 18.12.2019. For the effective implementation of the ideology of "one number one identity", the "Rajasthan Jan Aadhaar Authority Act, 2020" was promulgated with the aim of making the benefits of the schemes of all the departments of the state accessible to the common man easily, conveniently and transparently.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 40 of the Rajasthan Jan Aadhaar Authority Act, 2020 (Act No. 3 of 2020), the Rajasthan Jan Aadhaar Authority Rules, 2021 have been framed by the State Government, which were published in the Rajasthan Gazette on August 04, 2021. An independent authority "Rajasthan Jan Aadhaar Authority" has been also constituted for effective implementation of the scheme. Through the Rajasthan Jan Aadhaar Authority, all resident families of the state are eligible to register and obtain Jan Aadhaar card.
1. Preparing a database of the demographic and socio-economic information of the resident families of the state and providing "one number, one card, one identity" to each family, which can be used to identify the family and its members. Granting recognition in the form of documents of Identity (Proof of Identity), Address (Proof of address) and Relationship (Proof of Relationship).
2. Transfer of cash benefits to eligible beneficiaries in their bank accounts through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) and non-cash benefits closer to home after Aadhaar/Jan Aadhaar authentication.
3. In addition to the benefits of government's public welfare schemes to the residents of the state, expansion of e-commerce and insurance facilities in rural areas.
4. To effectively control and operate the e-Mitra system by bringing it under Jan Aadhaar Authority and regulating it.
5. To expand and strengthen the existing technical and electronic infrastructure in the state.
6. Promoting women empowerment and financial inclusion.
7. To determine the eligibility of the family / family members for the schemes of public welfare benefits provided by the government.
8. At the time of receiving the benefits of various schemes, recognition of Aadhaar authentication as the survival certificate of the beneficiary.